About Us

Hi! My name is Joseph Adorno, and I'm the founder of berninaankara alongside my wife,  Natalia. The story of our business started in the summer of 2016 when Natalia and I went on our first short term mission trip together. 

As we prepared and traveled to Santo Domingo, I imagined the people we would meet, the work we would do, and the impact we might have. By the end of the trip, however, I realized that a large part of the impact occurred inside of us. Ministering to others and being in another culture changed our perspective and perception of the world. The experience changed my life, and I realized my calling was in missions somehow. 

A few months after the mission trip, God opened doors and led me to become a Youth Pastor at my local church. Then, in 2018, the Lord also led me towards the development of berninaankara. During my first mission trip to Santo Domingo, it became clear to me that many missionaries around the world are in need themselves. One day in particular, the long term missionaries hosting our short term mission trip did not have enough food for everyone to eat a warm meal for dinner. Many missionary agencies are not able to provide missionaries with income, and in order to continue serving, a missionary must spend time fundraising.

berninaankara was created to be a resource for missionaries. We are a Mission Support Network that provides an assistance fund to alleviate some of the financial stress of short and long term missionaries. We hope that our vision can help missionaries continue to know Christ and make Him known while helping people in need and serving others. 

We strive to sustain the assistance fund through our YouTube Channel, Merch for Missions, and Patrons. Every purchase and donation helps raise money for missions.

If you resonate with our vision, please partner with us by Subscribing on YouTube and by telling friends about berninaankara. Your partnership makes a tremendous difference! Amen.